In the heart of Italy, amidst green pastures and rolling hills, lies the farm of Davide, a passionate 43-year-old cattle farmer who has dedicated his life to the care and management of an organic Limousine cattle herd. With a farming tradition that spans three...
Digitanimal Blog
A voice of women farmers in the rural environment
After last March 8, a special day for our female livestock farmers, we want to get to know and give voice to one of our clients, Lourdes Perona. Lourdes is a 34-year-old woman, mother, and livestock farmer from Cortijo El Hoyo. She studied Agricultural Technical...
“I Avoided the Loss of a Stallion Thanks to GPS Collar Alerts”
Aitor Bergaretxea, a breeder of cows and mares, tells us how he was able to locate a stallion trapped in a barbed wire fence. Aitor Bergaretxea manages a small herd of mares and cows in Aixta (Araia). Since childhood, he has worked with animals as his parents had a...
Using GPS Technology to Detect Cattle Births in Extensive Grazing
The use of GPS technology has revolutionized how farmers monitor the behavior of their cattle when they are out in pastures. In this article, we show how data from digitanimal GPS collars can be used to identify changes in cattle behavior associated with calving....